2020 has brought its fair share of hardships. From bush fires in Australia, to Covid-19, to murder hornets, to social injustices
(I think it’s important to note here that we fully support the Black Lives Matter movement and encourage everyone to continue to listen and learn with us) — it has been hard to stay positive. One beautiful thing that has happened, though, with all of the wedding postponements and Covid quarantining was ample amounts of family time at home… plenty of family time that we wouldn’t have had without quarantine/shelter in place – and we had time to capture it all because most of our weddings are pushed to 2021.
We are so thankful to all of the generous people that participated in our Front Porch Mini Sessions (Get one, Gift one). Not only was it fun to see some smiling faces in what has thus far been a difficult year, but we got to stretch our creative legs and stay on top of our game. We were able to give back to our small business friends, too – and get them some photos that I have already seen circulating on social media and on updated websites (
Volumes Books,
Flowers by Stem).
The discounted Mini Sessions were such a big hit, that I’m thinking about offering more dates in July and August. Leave a comment below or email me if you’re interested – I’ll start gauging interest and post the dates/timeslots if/when we’re going to offer more discounted sessions. It will be based on your responses – so please let me know if you’re interested ASAP!
In the meantime, take a look at the beautiful families I had the pleasure of working with over the past couple months. We’ve still got a few more Front Porch Minis to shoot/edit so check back for more from those as well. Enjoy these smiling faces!

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