April 12, 2018
A few weeks ago, I photographed my friend Lara’s boudoir session. During the session, we talked about what it meant to her, why she was doing it, and everything that she did leading up to it – and I was so inspired. I get a lot of people asking why would anyone shoot a boudoir session? Or why do I do it. Hearing Lara talk about what it meant to her was amazing so I asked her to share some words with all of you! All the love and props to Lara for speaking so candidly about this experience, and for being open to sharing the photos with everyone! Here’s what she had to say…
“I recently reached out to my friend and photographer, Jill Tiongco, to book a boudoir photo session. Leading up to the session, I began to get nervous because this was something completely new, and to be honest, my selfie game is far from strong! Some may ask why I would want to do a boudoir photo session…it’s not like I’m getting married or have a significant other to share them with, or maybe people view them differently than I do. All I can say to that is these photos were 100% for myself and I have worked my butt off (literally and figuratively) over the past year and I saw it as a way to celebrate everything I have accomplished at this point in my life.
I’ve come to learn that there is no better feeling than when you completely love and appreciate the
woman that you have become. When Jill sent me the email that my photos were available to view, my self love reached an all time high as soon as I started clicking through them. I never knew the strength and confidence this session and photos could bring me. Some might think that sounds shallow or conceited, but for me, it was a reminder of all the work I have put in to taking care of myself and falling back in love with who I am. I’ll always have these photos available to remind me of how far I’ve come, the confidence I’ve built, and how beautiful our bodies truly are.
We all have pressures in life and situations that can keep us from focusing on what is most important. I remember hearing something about how we spend our entire life with ourselves, so why wouldn’t you want to love being around that person. After 30 years, I began to understand that in order to be the best version of myself, I needed to come first. Through some deep soul searching, appointments with my life coach (I recommend everyone have one at some point in their life!), endless hours at the gym lifting weights, and lots of alone time shared with my puppy, I found a self care routine that brought me to the happiest place I’ve been in life. I can look in the mirror and love the person I see in the reflection. I’ve learned that living in the present by practicing gratitude is the key ingredient to my daily happiness.
While my steps may not be what works best for others, there are a few things I promise will make
positive changes in your life:
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